Saturday, May 14, 2011

Summary of Social Organizations in Hunza

Summary of Social Organizations in Hunza

This is a preliminary list which will be, hopefully, updated on the basis of information communicated by the readers of this blog.

The purpose of this post can best be explained through following Extract from the AKDN site:

01 December 2007 - Although democracy has been growing in the developing world, the UN still categorises 40 percent of its member states as "failed democracies". It has become clear to many governments that successful states require more than the introduction of democratic elections and political parties. Civil society, particularly indigenous NGOs, must play a central role in promoting good governance and accountability.”


In view of the above it is my fervent hope that the civil society in Hunza, and for that matter GB, will carry out a review of their “Procedure Manuals” and “VISION, MISSION, STRATEGY, PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS” in the light of the eight guideline booklets which also provide the templates for  Governance, Management and Financial control of such entities.


This, I am sure, will go a long way in helping these entities with the noble aim of achieving the mission that they have set for themselves.

A second desire is that all these organizations should study the concept of “HUNZA DEVELOPMENT FORUM” and help in not only bringing it on ground but also coordinate in the attainment of targets as defined and also help refine these collective targets.


[My thanks go to Zeenat Shah in compiling this as yet incomplete list of Civil Society Entities in Hunza and also established by HUNZUKUTZ elsewhere]

To read or down load the list click:   List of Social Organizations in Hunza
The speech covering civil society in AFGHANISTAN

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