American Art
This course surveys art in America from the colonial era through the post-war 20th century. The student will consider broad stylistic tendencies in various regions and periods and examine specific artists and works of art in historical and social contexts, with emphasis on the congruent evolution .. show the rest of description.
11.202 Planning Economics (MIT)
Planning Economics will apply microeconomic theory to issues that markets don't always handle well and so are not usually covered in a standard microeconomics course. Issues for this year include global warming, how you value a national park, the economics and politics of New York City development, .. show the rest of description.
11.202 Planning Economics | Urban Studies and Planning
Planning Economics will apply microeconomic theory to issues that markets don't always handle well and so are not usually covered in a standard microeconomics course. Issues for this year include global warming, how you value a national park, the economics and politics of New York City development, .. show the rest of description.
11.701 Introduction to International Development Planning (MIT)
This introductory survey course is intended to develop an understanding of key issues and dilemmas of planning in non-Western countries. The issues covered by the course include state intervention, governance, law and institutions in development, privatization, participatory planning, .. show the rest of description.
21A.338J / SP.457J / WGS.457J Gender, Power, and International Development
After decades of efforts to promote development, why is there so much poverty in the world? What are some of the root causes of inequality world-wide and why do poverty, economic transformations and development policies often have different consequences for women and men? This course explores these .. show the rest of description.
21A.338J Gender, Power, and International Development | Anthropology
After decades of efforts to promote development, why is there so much poverty in the world? What are some of the root causes of inequality world-wide and why do poverty, economic transformations and development policies often have different consequences for women and men? This course explores these .. show the rest of description.
21F.040 A Passage to India: Introduction to Modern Indian Culture and Society (MIT)
This course is an introduction to modern Indian culture and society through films, documentaries, short stories, novels, poems, and journalistic writing. The principal focus is on the study of major cultural developments and social debates in the last sixty five years of history through the reading .. show the rest of description.
EC.721 Wheelchair Design in Developing Countries | Edgerton Center
According to the United States Agency for International Development, 20 million people in developing countries require wheelchairs, and the United Nations Development Programme estimates below 1% of their need is being met in Africa by local production. Wheelchair Design in Developing Countries .. show the rest of description.
HST.939 Designing and Sustaining Technology Innovation for Global Health Practice | Health Sciences and Technology
Innovation in global health practice requires leaders who are trained to think and act like entrepreneurs. Whether at a hospital bedside or in a remote village, global healthcare leaders must understand both the business of running a social venture as well as how to plan for and provide access to .. show the rest of description.
Introduction to International Development Planning (MIT)
This introductory survey course is intended to develop an understanding of key issues and dilemmas of planning in non-western countries. The topics covered in this course will include state intervention, governance, law and institutions in development, privatization, participatory planning, .. show the rest of description.
Technologies for Rural Development
This is a free, online textbook, so it is continually being updated and refined. According to the authors, "The goal of this project is to create a book or a series of books that could be used to educate children about processes and technologies that can improve the lives of people in poor or
.. show the rest of description.
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