Monday, January 1, 2024

Nabi (pl. anbiya)


Nabi (pl. anbiya): A prophet who conveys to his people the message revealed to him by God.

The concept of a nabi, or prophet, in Islam is nuanced and multifaceted, carrying significant theological and historical weight. Here are some key points to understand:

Meaning and Etymology:

  • The word "nabi" comes from the Arabic root "n-b-w," which implies being elevated, chosen, or receiving revelation.

  • It denotes a person chosen by God to receive divine messages and communicate them to humanity.

Role and Function:

  • Prophets serve as guides and conveyors of God's will, delivering His divine message to people.

  • They often call for social justice, moral righteousness, and submission to God's laws.

  • They may be entrusted with specific missions, like establishing new religions or reforming existing ones.

  • While not possessing inherent superhuman abilities, they are guided and supported by God.

Distinction from Rasul:

  • Islam differentiates between nabi and rasul. A nabi receives divine revelation but may not be entrusted with a new scripture or a specific community to guide.

  • A rasul, on the other hand, is not only a prophet but also a messenger entrusted with delivering a new divinely revealed book and leading a specific community.

  • Examples of nabis include Abraham, Noah, and Jesus, while examples of rasuls include Moses, Jesus (in Islamic understanding), and Muhammad.

Characteristics of a Nabi:

  • According to Islamic tradition, certain qualities are essential for a nabi:

  • Sidq (truthfulness): They must be truthful in their words and actions.

  • Amanah (trustworthiness): They must be trustworthy with the divine message and lead by example.

  • Ismah (infallibility): They are protected from major sins and errors in conveying the divine message.

  • Fatanah (intelligence): They possess the wisdom and understanding to interpret and communicate the divine message effectively.

Significance and Respect:

  • Prophets are highly revered in Islam, considered righteous guides and role models.

  • Disrespecting a prophet is considered a grave sin.

  • Muslims are encouraged to study the lives and teachings of prophets, seeking guidance and inspiration from their stories.


The concept of a nabi in Islam is deeply embedded in the faith's theology and history. Understanding their role, function, and significance offers a richer appreciation of Islamic beliefs and practices.

If you have any further questions about specific prophets, their stories, or any particular aspect of this concept, feel free to ask!

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