Sunday, March 17, 2024

Rasikhun fi’l`ilm

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Rasikhun fi’l`ilm: Those ‘firmly rooted in knowledge’. A phrase in the Qura’n which has been interpreted in different ways by Muslim scholars. In the Shia tradition, it is understood as referring to the Imams from the Prophet’s family.

In the Shia tradition, the phrase “rasikhun fi’l`ilm” refers to those who are firmly rooted in knowledge. This concept holds special significance for Shia Muslims. Let’s explore the different interpretations:

  1. Sunni View:

According to Sunni interpretation, those firmly rooted in knowledge are the body of Muslim Jurists (Ulema). These scholars interpret the Divine Law (sharia) and derive Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh). The term “Ulema” refers to knowledgeable individuals who understand and apply religious principles in their actions.
  •  Shia View:

In the Shia tradition, those firmly rooted in knowledge are Muhammad’s household (Ahl al-Bayt) themselves. This includes the Imams, who are considered the spiritual and intellectual leaders of the community.

The Imams possess deep knowledge of religious matters, including esoteric interpretations (ta’wil) of the Qur’an. They guide their followers in matters of faith, ethics, and law.

The concept of “rasikhun fi’l`ilm” emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding the deeper meanings of religious texts.

The phrase appears in the Qur’an, particularly in Al-Imran (Quran 3:7), and has been a subject of scholarly discussion and reflection. While interpretations may vary, both Sunni and Shia traditions recognize the value of knowledge and its role in guiding believers toward righteousness and understanding.

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