My Introduction
Who am I:
A pensioner from Pakistan Army, born in Baltit (Karimabad) Hunza, GB.
What do I do:
Ever since my retirement in 1999, I have started developing IDEA DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS towards attainment of BETTER TOMORROW goals - set by MHI - through SELF HELP and efforts by individuals, LSOs,JIs, NGO’s as well as sponsorship by the government institutions.
1. Energy Starvation in our region:
Pilot project in Khurukushal KHAN for 54-household - distributed emergency solar system.
Enhanced 25-KW model solar backup project at Baltit through PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP GB W&P department, Agreement in process since July 2021 for cooperation to integrate through public distribution system and operation by TMS.
FLOATING HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR and pumping station. Prototypes - 4 variants - developed for emulation. Features village level technology, low cost of generation - only around Rs 95,000/00 as compared to Rs 1,300,000.00 to 1,600,000 per KW needed in building mega projects.
2. Human Resource development: “KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY INITIATIVE” through:
a. the state of art resource centers established by the government, AKDN - 14, Chinese - 6 and LSOs.
b. Demonstration Facility at my residence for replication to impart free of cost world class education and skills - specially to poor populations. This facility integrates a DIY satellite receiver to download free of cost digital files from OTHERNET satellite system and also to serve a maximum of 6-beneficiaries within wi-fi range of 10-20 meters. A new gadget titled BIG BOX, capable of enhancing the range to 100 m and simultaneous service to more than 50 beneficiaries has been donated free of cost by a firm in England. This new gadget, however, has got stuck up wth custom authorities at Lahore Airport.3. TELEMEDICINE:
Basic sensors for such a facility have been integrated at the facility in 2b above. Advocacy is on going for service through TKN - TIME & KNOWLEDGE NAZRANA - by professionals and implementation through JIs.
Invitation to Attend the Dubai Leadership Summit & Nomination to Receive Honorary Doctorate Degree London Graduate School Wed, Feb 2, 10:31 AM (1 day ago) Dear Brig. Invitation to Attend the Dubai Leadership Summit & Nomination to Receive Honorary Doctorate Degree – March 29-31, 2022 The London Graduate School and Commonwealth University of Business Arts and Technology are excited about the upcoming Dubai Leadership Summit scheduled to take place from March 29 – 31, 2022. We organise a wide range of events that bring together top executives, business leaders and other professionals across the globe to share knowledge, support learning and to provide networking opportunities.