Wednesday, August 1, 2012



TALIQA:  “To position the Jamat correctly for the next decades. serious issues and for you to understand where I would like the Jamat to be, Insha-Allah, in the world in 10 years, 15 years, 20 years.”  13 December 2008

An important facet of modern development thinking is that societies can best strengthen themselves by mobilizing their own dynamic forces rather than relying on external support and direction.” (Gist of  REORIENTATE was ordained by the Imam in 2002 through detailed TALIQAs. Also, read the guidance in the WEBCAST of 11th July 2017.

Vision: A thriving Hunza that promotes sustainable development, preserves its unique culture and natural beauty, and empowers its citizens for a prosperous future - all through SELF-HELP. All the steps listed in the following paras aim to evolve an EGALITARIAN KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY.

Start the First Step
March towards global leadership will involve the following steps:
a.      ENERGY: 100-MW in next 20 years through proposed “HUNZA POWER SUPPLY COMPANY” – A joint ownership of all HUNZUKUTZ through their LSOs – idea demonstrator project working in KHURUKUSHAL KHAN since September 2013. FLOATING HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR
b.     HUMAN RESOURCES:    Through LIFELONG LEARNING CENTERS/OPEN UNIVERSITIES, the first one – SASLLC/OPEN UNIVERSITY– is already in operation in Government Model High School Karimabad and STATE OF ART CENTERS.
3.     STEPS in developing HR:
a.      Determine your aptitude through an online course – Example on this link: AptitudeTest Online Course
b.      Choose a subject/speciality out of the 25,516 courses through SASLLC, example link: CONSORTIUMOPEN EDUCATION EUROPEEducation and skills for 21st century that you can acquire FREE OF COST through Lifelong Learning Centers in our region 
c.     Download the COACHING material and go for your speciality.

NOTE: All education is FREE OF ANY COST

 d.    For details of the ROAD-MAP go through the remaining post.

MOTIVATION for this proposal comes from these extracts:
      “To position the Jamat correctly for the next decades. serious issues and for you to understand where I would like the Jamat to be, Insha-Allah, in the world in 10 years, 15 years, 20 years.”  13 December 2008

B:   TV Interview:

ITV: Showing the weak how to help themselves, not just picking them up.

AK: Charity and help — both. Charity — but not to the extent of making them beggars.

ITV: Is that philanthropic?

AK: It is philanthropic to help them to become self-sufficient. Afterwards, there is no reason for it to be that way, and on the assumption that society will always have weak elements, those who are givers to that society have to continue to address themselves to the weaker sections of society.

Address of His Highness the Aga Khan to both Houses of the Parliament of Canada in the House of Commons Chamber, Ottawa 27 February 2014.
C.   Extracts: "An active Civil Society can open the door for an enormous variety of energies and talents from a broad spectrum of organisations and individuals. It means opening the way for diversity. It means welcoming plurality. ......three critical underpinnings of a quality Civil Society — a commitment to pluralism, to meritocracy, and to a cosmopolitan ethic.

D.   TKN: offering one’s intellectual capacity to assist the Imamat’s efforts for the progress of the Jamat, and the communities within which the Jamat lives. We invite you to explore an understanding of the philosophy and significance of TKN and discover how the knowledge and skills offered by TKN volunteers have substantially contributed to the work of the AKDN and Jamati Institutions for the progress and development of the Jamat and the wider societies in which the Jamat lives.

A cosmopolitan ethic welcomes the complexity of human society. It balances rights and duties, freedom and responsibility. It is an ethic for all peoples, the familiar and the Other, whether they live across the street or across the planet.
The Aga Khan Development Network has worked for over five decades to assist in the enhancement of Civil Society. Civil Society is your recognition that democratic societies require more than democratic governments.
I have been impressed by recent studies showing the activity of voluntary institutions and not-for-profit organisations - a cherished principle in Shia Ismaili culture — the importance of contributing one’s individual energies voluntarily to improving the lives of others.
This is not a matter of philanthropy, but rather of self-fulfilment — “enlightened self-fulfilment.”
During my Golden Jubilee — and this is important — six years ago Ismailis from around the world volunteered their gifts, not only of wealth but most notably of time and knowledge, in support of our work. We established a Time and Knowledge framework, a structured process for engaging an immense pool of expertise involving tens of thousands of volunteers.
In sum, I believe that Civil Society is one of the most powerful forces in our time, one that will become an increasingly universal influence, engulfing more countries, influencing, reshaping and sometimes even replacing ineffective regimes."
Address of His Highness the Aga Khan to both Houses of the Parliament of Canada in the House of Commons Chamber, Ottawa
I hope many of the visitors to this blog have gone through the material covering the "CIVIL SOCIETY" concept. I am reproducing the concept of "HUNZA DEVELOPMENT FORUM" in this post with the hope that the readers will evaluate the concept in the light of what they have studied so that this becomes the civil society forum of the future not only for Hunza but the entire GB. It must be clarified that the elected representatives from Hunza become the chairman of the Forum as standard procedure, as such we would expect the present incumbent (Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan - the elected representative for GBLA) to assume the role as soon as possible for him.

Development is sustainable only if the beneficiaries become, in a gradual manner, the masters of the process.
This means that initiatives cannot be contemplated exclusively in terms of economics, but rather as an integrated programme that encompasses social and cultural dimensions as well. Education and skills training, health and public services, conservation of cultural heritage, infrastructure development, urban planning and rehabilitation, rural development, water and energy management, environmental control, and even policy and legislative development are among the various aspects that must be taken into account.”


"One of the questions to which I don’t have an answer, but I would like to find one, is, what is happiness — for the rural population in the developing world? And unless the definition of happiness, the definition of a sense of purpose is clear to planners in the developing world, they are never going to be able to address the issues that affect the rural population. And what I have discovered — I think in working on these problems — is that the rural populations are remarkably articulate, remarkably hard­working, remarkably thoughtful. But you have got to [have] access to them, you have got to let them tell you, as a decision-maker, what are their concerns, what are their priorities and in that sense, I think that maybe the industrialised world doesn’t deal with the same problems."

One of the problems of working with civil society organisations (CSOs) is that people attach different meanings to the term. Some mean the large, international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) like World Vision, CARE, OXFAM, Save the Children and so forth. Others have in mind the small village-level groupings which may be worthy but probably do not make a big impact on development problems. Late in 2006, the Aga Khan Development Network Civil Society Programme (AKDN CSP) conceived the idea of a series of short case studies to illustrate (a) the range of CSOs that are not NGOs and (b) the important work that many of them are doing. In response to His Highness the Aga Khan’s call to “go beyond NGOs”, the Programme was set up to work primarily with these non-NGO civil society organisations

At the outset, it was unclear what CSOs could actually do. To encourage understanding of their diversity and the range of citizens’ initiatives, the AKDN CSP asked the International NGO Training and Resource Centre (INTRAC) to develop several one-page case histories of CSOs which, from very different backgrounds, have proved helpful in development. Click
AKDN to access the Learning materials.

Brig (R) Hisamullah Beg SI(M)

The AKDN Introduction to the civil society program reads: “In an era of rising expectations and unmet needs in the developing world, the civil society sector plays an essential role in the provision of social services, the protection of the marginalised, the delivery of development programmes and the promotion of good governance. Its work is especially critical where governments are weak or non-performing, as in situations of failed democracies or post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction.
For over 30 years, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) has led the civil society strengthening initiatives of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) across all thematic areas (health, education and rural development) and regions in which it works. To broaden the impact of these activities, the civil society programme has now been formally extended to encompass all the AKDN agencies. The scope of the programme has also been widened to increase the positive impact of a wide array of organisations that have a presence in public life, including faith-based and charitable organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), labour unions, professional associations and foundations, village and women’s groups, neighbourhood self-help groups, social movements, business associations, microcredit organisations, coalitions and advocacy groups.”
With this background, it was felt that as a futuristic course, Hunza needs a fresh approach towards achieving a balanced society. Accordingly AKRSP in collaboration with KADO hosted the first multi-stakeholder forum in Hunza during 23-24 August 2004. The purpose was to initiate a public deliberation on the major development issues involving diverse groups and stakeholders in Hunza so that a common approach and a framework for collective action could be developed to address long-term development challenges in the valley.


The diversity and divergence of views on development require a neutral platform for key stakeholders. Designed as a flexible and neutral platform for all stakeholders, HDF provides an opportunity for representatives drawn from the Government and broad spectrum of civil society organizations, including AKDN agencies, voluntary community institutions, public sector agencies, business associations, Political parties, and faith based entities etc. to discuss and plan future development. In its scheduled meetings the Forum encourages open discussion on issues and opportunities leading to a shared commitment of the stakeholders towards common goals and ideas on how to move forward, while on the internet it seeks feedback from all concerned “Hunzukutz” anywhere else and integrates these views towards developing a common vision through an open, transparent, inclusive and accountable mechanism. It fully recognizes that people and local institutions are the ultimate drivers of the development process in Hunza. See SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS , GROUPS.

It also aims to help evolve a society which believes in moving forward on the principles of Meritocracy for which it is essential to have a working democracy, good governance and Pluralism which means people of diverse backgrounds and interests, organizations of varying types and goals coming together for different forms of creative expression, which are valuable and deserving of support by government and society as a whole.


The current TOR for HDF is as follows:
1. Organize Grand HDF meeting once in a year;
2. Facilitate to form thematic forums (Business, youth, women , peace);
3. Form working committees for specific tasks;
4. Promote collaboration and interaction between Government, Civil Society and the private sector;
5. Share and discuss issues and best practices;
6. Provide professional and Organizational Support for different forums;
7. Raise resources for organizing the Grand Forum;
8. Follow up on decisions of the grand Development Forum;
9. Prioritize the development sector and prepare an action plan;
10. It should meet every quarter;


To achieve what has been stated in the above paragraphs a set of long-term Collective Targets have been proposed for which it is expected that everyone sharing this vision will endeavour to work with his heart and soul. These in the order of priority are listed as under:
A. ENERGY (Hydropower and Water Management, by building Dams on river Hunza / Nager) More than 100 MW by 2020 ATABAD POTENTIAL HUNZA POWER SUPPLY COMPANY 
B. Human Resources Development SASLLC
  • Alternative Energy:Portal:Renewable_energy - 200 specialists by 2015
  • Earth Sciences:                                    - 500 specialists by 2015
  • SKILLS: ICT & English etc through SASLLC, Gems stone Cutting and polishing Centers; stone carving/engraving centres; scientific mining techniques etc (MINE TO MARKET)” Also see SKILLS : - 5000 specialists by 2015
  • Chinese language:                                - 100 specialists by 2015
  • Social sciences:    SOME CHOICES   - 5000 specialists by 2015
C. Creation of an Endowment to Support HR Development in the above This is visualised to be achieved through donations, profit-making endeavours and also through the diversion of the annual development budget allocated by the government through the elected representatives.   - Rs 200 m by 2025.

D. ADVOCACY: HDF will undertake advocacy with National & International setups for:
  • Supporting development targets
  • Institutional development
  • Harmonization of traditional laws with statutory laws of the Country/NA’s with NALA and Ministry of Kashmir Affairs.CUSTOMARY LAWS
  • Tourism Advancement.
  • Appropriate construction with local populations in collaboration with BACIP and other agencies.
  • Invigorating the attractive regional traditions reflecting the Ethos of “Suchi” ; preservation of language (Click HCF,  ALPHABETS).
  • upholding meritocracy, transparency & freedom of Information.
  • Declaration of “Weapon-Free” status for Hunza, this will contribute to a softer image of Pakistan in the world and help tourism.
E. SPORTS: Facilitation of adventure sports & adoption of some of these as regional specialities.

F. Facilitation:
  • Association for Minerals Exploration/ Extraction.
  • Business Association Development and
  • Exhibitions for culture and home industry.
Aim and Plan for Attainment of Targets

The collective targets for all stakeholders are aimed at gradually evolving a productive population rather than a consumer one. It goes without saying that in this increasingly materialistic world only productive entities - whether individuals or whole society - can hope to progress and prosper at the cost of consumers.
HDF does not claim to be a service delivery entity, rather it endeavours to coordinate collective efforts towards this end. With this approach, you - as a concerned and talented “Hunzukutz” - are requested to personally participate (or motivate those known to the readers) in the effort by joining any one (or more than one) of the committees assigned to work out strategies and action plans in actualising these targets.
A brief visualisation of the committees and an outline of their work are enumerated below:

1. Energy and Water Management: Will mobilize government and/or investors to make this possible. Knowledgeable members of the committee will search and approach International Agencies such as “Kuwait Fund” and the like (with the aim of either investment or philanthropy) by processing technical proposals. Click: ADVOCACYNOSHEEN ALI.

2. Committee on HR Development: The main committee will form further committees on each of the topics specified under this heading (may also identify additional topics). The committee members will be assigned to initiate a global search (on the internet or personal knowledge) for university/institutional programs, their costs, prerequisites for participation and any enabling provisions by the institution/governments and actions to avail the opportunities.Cyber members: MEMBER , MEMBER2 , MEMBER3 , MEMBER4 ,   MEMBER5 , IRFAN ,NISHAT,    

3. Committee on Creation of Endowment: This is visualised to be achieved through individual donations, by establishing profit-making entities and also diversion of annual development budget allocated by the government through the elected representatives. It will also coordinate with other agencies maintaining endowments for this purpose. The committee will work out the mechanism and methodology for maintaining and awarding resources to deserving trainees for country and facilities abroad towards the actualisation of HR Development targets.

4. Committee/s on Advocacy: The main committee will form subcommittees for each of the headings (and any other suggested by the participants).

5. Committee on Adventure Sports: We request the following men of prominence to head and form these committees and select volunteers as members:
  • Mr Nazir Sabir (SI)
  • Col Sher Khan (SI)
  • Mr Ashraf Aman (President’s Pride of Performance)
6. Committees on Facilitation: KADO Chairman and professional staff to be assisted by other volunteers.


(Every organization should have a Code of Practice for Board members which is available to all stakeholders 
AKDN Guideline Booklet No. 4)

All such organisations involve people who have committed themselves to improving the society in which they live by what they do and how they behave. Commitment and voluntarism may, however, not be enough for an effective organization – specific organizational skills are needed as well. And these skills can be learnt.
This document will ultimately contain the following Sections:
1. A Code of Conduct for the Governance (now)
2. Terms of Reference for all Members (now)
3. Terms of Reference for all Committees and sub-committees (on a required basis)

1. MEMBERSHIP: Basic to each member is the understanding that Governance (Boards or similar structures) are a part of the management function of any non-profit and non-government organization (also known as civil society organisations or CSOs). At its most basic, management can be defined as: “ensuring that an organization has clear objectives, and makes the most effective and efficient use of resources to achieve those objectives”. Each or all the members have at least some or all of five separate roots:
  • Philanthropy and the desire to help people who are considered less fortunate
  • The desire to improve local communities through mutual aid and self-help
  • The desire to improve conditions through political and economic action (SEE POLITICAL ACTION )
  • The desire to take on services provided by the public or private sectors, and
  • The simple reality of shared interests.

The term “governance” is increasingly used for the big picture, long-term and legal aspects of ensuring that an organization is properly run, and “management” for ensuring that the work gets done within this framework. Governing body which is legally and financially responsible for the organization and responsible for setting and monitoring long and medium-term objectives, and developing policies.

HDF members (Governance) are drawn from wide array of organizations that have a presence in public life (specifically elected representatives), including faith-based and charitable organisations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), labour unions, professional associations and foundations, village and women’s groups, neighbourhood self-help groups, social movements, business associations, microcredit organizations, coalitions, advocacy groups and above all the government. Presently this body consists of 22 members as listed in the attachment. But at the same time, it is flexible and welcomes any additions with a background listed in the foregoing lines. The members are appointed or elected for a term coinciding with that of the Elections to the Gilgit and Baltistan Legislative Assembly (GBLA and DISTRICT COUNCIL).

2. EXECUTIVE STRUCTURE Should have the Understanding and regularly review the ethos and values that underpin the organization’s work, and ensure that Board members, volunteers and others involved with the organization understand these values and how they apply to their work. They are also expected to:
  • Maintain a long-term overview of the organization and all its work
  • Making strategic and major decisions about the organization’s objectives, policies and procedures
  • Ensuring decision-making procedures are transparent people know who makes decisions and how they are made, and accountable (decisions are reported to the people who have a right to know about them)
  • Ensuring that the needs and interests of relevant people and bodies are considered when making decisions
  • Ensuring that adequate resources (especially people and money) are available to carry out activities, and making decisions about how to proceed when resources turn out not to be available
  • Monitoring the work of the organization, especially progress towards objectives
  • Ensuring appropriate action is taken when work is not being done, or is not being done properly
  • Taking legal responsibility for the organisations and all its actions
The body (All honorary workers) will consist of:
  • A chairman:
  • A Vice-Chair
  • A Board Secretary
  • A Treasurer
The Chairperson’s/Vice Chairperson’s role has two parts, one practical, and the other institutional:

• Planning and running meetings of the body, ensuring that everything is covered and decisions are made when required, keeping order, helping the group deal with differences of opinion and conflicts, and being sure that everyone who wants has a chance to speak.
• Ensuring that the organization as a whole sets and sticks to its policies and priorities, then serving as a spokesperson for the organization, making essential or emergency decisions between committee meetings, working closely with the manager to ensure work is being done properly and helping staff with difficulties.

3. MEETINGS It should meet every quarter. The venue/timing and Agenda will be disseminated by the Secretary at least 15 days in advance. Preferably a yearly schedule for regular meetings (Every three months) of the members for the entire year should be announced by Mid November each year along with the schedule for the “Once a year grand Meeting”, which is to be held for all concerned “Hunzukutz” anywhere and also the committees constituted from time to time. Emergent meetings may be held on a required basis with the consent of the chairman.

4. MINUTES AND ACTION PLANS The format for the Agenda as well as the recording of the ‘Minutes’ /’Action plan’ is attached. Any concerned “Hunzukutz” may initiate a proposed item for inclusion in the Agenda at any time through all available means, such as E-Mail, telephone, written paper etc. on this or a similar format The decisions on each item of the agenda will be based on ‘majority vote’ if a clear ‘consensus’ does not emerge in the meeting.

5. TENURE AND ELECTIONS The tenure of the ‘Executive Body’ will commence and end in consonance with the Government schedule for election to District Councils and Northern Area Legislative Council. The candidates proposed by members/General public will be chosen based on at least 50% secret votes of the “Governance” to coincide with the “Once a Year Grand Meeting”.


1. Names of volunteers whether willing to head the committees or participate as members will be shared with all and placed on the website. We expect the names of volunteers to be communicated to addresses on the website.
2. All these committees are expected to participate physically in the ‘Once a year grand meeting’, while the rest of the time they will use modern means of communication for their contributions from their existing workstations.
3. Readers are requested to visit the HDF website hosted by KADO:
and Brig Hisamullah Beg:
and help HDF through ideas and participation in the collective effort.
4. Sometimes HDF will set up Sub-Committees and Working Groups. All such Committees and Groups need clear Terms of Reference. Ideally, every entity should have a Code of Practice for members which is available to all stakeholders. Through this, the members should police themselves, but others involved in the effort can also monitor the performance of HDF.

August 28, 2004
- Rajab 11, 1425 Hijri
Shabbir Ahmed Mir
Updated on 2004-08-28 17:01:36

Multi-Stakeholders Forum Created In Northern Areas

GILGIT, Pakistan: Aug 28 (PNS) - A non-government organizations have formed a mega forum involving various stockholders of the region to encourage public participation and promote awareness for participatory planning and integrated programming in the Northern Areas.

With the active participation of more than 0 multi-stakeholders and after a hectic debate spanning over two days, the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) which is a non-profit organization working with rural communities in the region since 80s and Karakorum Area Development Organization (KADO), a local community development organization formed a supra forum "Hunza Development Forum" or HDF to develop a common vision of development through an open, transparent, accountable mechanism and to ensure that people and local institutions are the ultimate drivers of the development process, said a Press Release issued here Friday.

Speaking at the ceremony, Izhar Hunzai, the General Manager AKRSP remarked that there was a need for some measures of integration and coherence among various development efforts and sectors to understand what the communities expect of local governance, economic and social development in order to respond to the emerging challenges. Hunzai added "the role of AKRSP as a development catalyst is to adjust its policy according to the changing needs of the area. In the absence of a mechanism to gather the overall views and aspirations of people and to set a common goal and an agreed agenda, the HDF will ensure more inclusive debate on the development issues of Hunza".

Javed Iqbal, General Manager, KADO presented action plan that proposed a follow-up on the recommendation of the forum through a task force, which would lobby for the institutionalization of the regulatory framework besides many more swift interventions. "The idea is we bring not just one group of like-minded people but all the different players on one platform from all walks of life to talk about the kind of future we want for our children here, in this area," said Iqbal.

Some groups who worked on the action plan in the meeting stressed the growing income and elimination of social disparities within the society. They proposed to focus on the new challenges, the need for effective policy formulation and implementation which would strengthen local political, civil, government and representative institutions, developing local markets, resources and expertise.

Keeping in line with the objectives of the forum, fifteen thematic groups held discussions on Good Governance, Gender, Poverty and Social Safety Nets, Volunteerism and Local Philanthropy, Human Rights, Border Trade, Energy Development and Distribution, Tourism, Enterprise, Investments and Employment, Culture and Environment, Urbanization, Quality Education, the ICT requirements of the area, Youth Development and Agricultural Diversification. It was also discussed that the forum would also help evolve a common vision of development through an open, transparent, inclusive and accountable mechanism and to ensure that people and local institutions are the ultimate drivers of the development process.

The End.


مایون said...

Dear Nanna,

I read through the whole 'charter', it shows great insight and dedication. I hope your effort bears fruit and we are able to follow it in its entirety. Are there any follow ups on where it stands right now? How many sub committees have been filled? Who are the members? There were a couple of committees that interested me and I wanted to know more about them esp. HR development and Advocacy.

On a separate yet not entirely irrelevant strain, I am also very impressed these days by the Hunza cultural front that is evolving and many young people are coming up as poets, singers, stand up comedians and I feel they should be encouraged. This is after all 'everything Hunzukutz' forum. These young people have chosen Brushaski to express themselves and are, in doing so, preserving the language for the coming generations. I feel they should also have a role to play in such a forum.

I would like your thoughts on both these points whenever you have time.

Thank you!

Hisamullah Beg SI(M) said...

You are the first one to respond in writing to the idea as well as two of the committees. You would notice that the very aim of this blog is to engage the category you are suggesting and in fact the purpose of the blog is towards the advocacy. So welcome and contribute in any manner that appeals to you.

Anonymous said...

8. Khalid Masaud - 2010-04-16 01:07:11
Such like dedicated, down to earth, motivating, selfless and sincere efforts/endeavors are essentially needed. May ALLAH ALMIGHTY Bless you all and grant you wisdom, strength, courage and the will to fight all tribulations and grant you success under HIS infinite Mercy and benedictions.
May ALLAH ALMIGHTY grant wisdom to others to follow and replicate such sincere efforts in other parts of this PAK SIRZAMIN
I pray for you, your success and am always available for any service big or small.
Khalid Masaud

Hisamullah Beg SI(M) said...

Anonymous said...

We are really sorry that , 100% educated Hunzukus, we are only few to read such noble thoughts and ideas from a legend.
I requested again to Nishat and Quddsia to share it if Brig. Permits on Hunza groups.
Thanks 🙏🙏🙏 as I already read it, but how to implement is a question for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Indeed a clear map towards development of Hunza.