Thursday, June 22, 2017


1.                 The Quran:
Saheeh International
١١  لَهُ مُعَقِّبَاتٌ مِنْ بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِ يَحْفَظُونَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ ۗ وَإِذَا أَرَادَ اللَّهُ بِقَوْمٍ سُوءًا فَلَا مَرَدَّ لَهُ ۚ وَمَا لَهُمْ مِنْ دُونِهِ مِنْ وَالٍ
11  He has a succession; before him and behind him, protecting him by Allah's command. Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves. And if Allah wills any hardship for a people, there is no turning it back; and apart from Him they have no protector.
a.     TARGET ONE: In twenty five years’ time span, improve the economic conditions so that populations in Northern areas and Chitral can meet the ever increasing costs of health and education and also become SELF SUSTAINING.
b.    TARGET TWO. Groom indigenous leadership capable of establishing democracy, (pre-requisite for meritocracy and pluralism) and also capable of planning for a better quality of life for their future without external inputs.
c.     TARGET THREE: Facilitate establishment of Knowledge Society in the Program Area (included in 2003).
3.     “I think I am fortunate to be able to talk to you about serious issues and for you to understand to position the Jamat correctly for the next decades where I would like the Jamat to be, Insha-Allah, in the world in 10 years, 15 years, 20 years.”  13 December 2008.
4.  “The conviction that home-grown intellectual leadership of exceptional caliber is the best driver of society’s future development,”........ "In sum, I believe that Civil Society is one of the most powerful forces in our time, one that will become an increasingly universal influence, engulfing more countries, influencing, reshaping and sometimes even replacing ineffective regimes." also specific to energy: “The energy challenge – here and elsewhere – will require a multi-faceted response, including bold innovations in the way we both produce and consume energy... Hydroelectric power fulfills that goal. It is ‘clean’ energy – advancing sustainable development while minimising its environmental impact.”

5.   Guidelines on how to organize and operate: Well illustrated
 civil society learning material.   guideline booklets. VIDEO, INTERVIEW
6.   Available Resources towards investment:
Village Organization (VO/ WO) saving scheme
NOTE: As per published policy, councils are LSOs as well.

Reminder: "His Highness the Aga Khan's advices for leaders which enable sound national and community progress and development

"[D]evelopment is only possible when the community is engaged at the grassroots level and is given the ways and the means to take responsibility for its own future." His Highness the Aga Khan's 2006 Address to the Conference on Afghanistan (London, UK)"
“This endeavor was based on the ever increasing appreciation that the social change and the improvement in the quality of life of the various communities around the world is driven by capacities of civil society. Increasingly the role of the governments is expected to be an enabler for the civil society to grow positively. Fortunately in many of the countries where the Jamat is living public and private sectors recognize the need and benefit to integrate the civil society and it is within that context since the last ten years the AKDN has expanded its activities.”
“An important facet of modern development thinking is that societies can best strengthen themselves by mobilizing their own dynamic forces rather than relying on external support and direction.”
"The AKDN because of multiplicity of its activities in economics, health, education, cultural activities and others is exceptionally well placed to enhance the development of civil society in many countries of the world. It is led by generous men and women who offer their competencies and their time, many without any compensation so as to contribute to the improvement of quality of life in their societies. These initiatives draw support from our as well as other communities and institutions and their outcomes are measred against best practices. Both measuring device and optimization of performance are key contributors to positive outcomes, thus I wish to thank them today all those who have contributed and are contributing to our actions in various parts of the world through various entities and to say how much I admire and grateful for their work.", Read the speech on 19th January 2019 as well.

Civil Society

The term “civil society” refers to the range of actors and organisations in society which are 
(i) nongovernmental and 
(ii) not-for-profit. 
Such organisations will have diverse forms, goals and purposes, but all have the potential to improve the quality of life of the citizens in the countries where they operate. NGOs are understood as a sub-set of civil society characterised by size, development orientation, formality, and reliance on foreign funding.
The overall goal AKDN is trying to achieve through this programme is seeking to ensure that over time there are a sufficient number of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in quality, geographic distribution, and spectrum of activities so that “civil society,” as a component of society at large, has an unmistakable positive impact on the quality of life for significant segments of the national population.
"Civil society is powered by private energies, committed to the public good. It draws on the ancient, classical link between democracy and the publicly-committed citizen. '
Civil society, particularly indigenous NGOs, must play a central role in promoting good governance and accountability.
But to be effective, NGOs must be well-run and well-governed themselves. They must operate under a code of ethics and governance that stresses accountability so that resources are not wasted. They must also have a quantifiable impact on development challenges, as measured against well-recognised indicators, such as infant and maternal mortality, literacy and the reduction in the incidence of disease. Increasing community participation is also vital to progress.
To help these organisations become effective and self-reliant, AKDN offers resources and training for essential administrative skills such as record-keeping, accounting and methods of good governance. It also helps communities to lobby for change by working in collaboration with other villages when liaising with the government.

Stabilization and strengthening of institutions. Organize and operate in accordance with these guidelines (Civil Society Learning Material).

The AKDN Civil Society Programme has produced a series of internal booklets to help those involved with AKDN agencies to acquire the skills they need to build and strengthen effective civil society organisations (CSOs).
There are basically four types of institutions for whom these booklets are intended:
1. The Jamati Institutions: National Councils, ITREB, GRB, NCAB, and EPB 
2. The Boards of the Service Companies – AKHS, AKES, AKPBS
3. Associations set up by the Service Companies or by other AKDN agencies to support the purposes of their programme – such as PTAs, school management committees, nurses associations, midwives associations, teachers associations, tenants associations
4. CSOs outside AKDN agencies which support their purposes
All such organisations involve people who have committed themselves to improving the society in which they live by what they do and how they behave. Commitment and voluntarism may, however, not be enough for an effective organisation – specific organisational skills are needed as well. And these skills can be learnt.
The following booklets are also available in this series:
1. Problems in Managing Organisations
2. Skills in Managing Organisations
3. Improving Management
4. The Board and its Functions
5. Organisational Structures and Systems
6. Managing People and their Work
7. Managing Finance
8. Building a More Civil Society
NOTE:   Constitutional obligations of voluntary leadership applicable to all tiers (including LC):
5.6©   Analyze fundamental problems confronting the Jamat and their relationship to underlying trends in the national and international development process, and set short range and long range goals for the Jamat.
"societies can best strengthen themselves by mobilizing their own dynamic forces rather than relying on external support and direction." Imam has desired REORIENTATION since 2002, I have so far not succeeded in influencing the mindset of local leadership as well as institutions towards this direction, read and listen to this in the DJ webcast:

My analysis is more relevant to Pakistan and in no way deals globally. The thematic guidance I shared is also in relation to the specific guidance for institutions in Pakistan. The four DJ goals have global implications yet more relevant to the rural populations in the Asian and African region.
Wednesday, 19 July, 2017RELATED

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