Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Who am I

 My Introduction

Who am I: 

A pensioner from Pakistan Army, born in Baltit (Karimabad) Hunza, GB.

What do I do: 

Ever since my retirement in 1999, I have started developing IDEA DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS towards attainment of BETTER TOMORROW  goals - set by MHI - through SELF HELP and efforts by individuals, LSOs,JIs, NGO’s as well as sponsorship by the government institutions.


1. Energy Starvation in our region:

  1. Pilot project in Khurukushal KHAN for 54-household - distributed emergency solar system.

  2. Enhanced 25-KW model solar backup project at Baltit through PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP GB W&P department, Agreement in process since July 2021 for cooperation to integrate through public distribution system  and  operation by TMS.

  3. FLOATING HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR and pumping station. Prototypes - 4 variants - developed for emulation. Features village level technology, low cost of generation - only around Rs 95,000/00 as compared to Rs 1,300,000.00 to 1,600,000 per KW needed in building mega projects. 

2. Human Resource development: “KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY INITIATIVE” through:

a. the state of art resource centers established by the government, AKDN - 14, Chinese - 6 and LSOs.

b. Demonstration Facility at my residence for replication to impart free of cost world class education and skills - specially to poor populations. This facility integrates a DIY satellite receiver to download free of cost digital files from OTHERNET satellite system and also to serve a maximum of 6-beneficiaries within wi-fi range of 10-20 meters. A new gadget titled BIG BOX, capable of enhancing the range to 100 m and simultaneous service to more than 50 beneficiaries has been donated free of cost by a firm in England. This new gadget, however, has got stuck up wth custom authorities at Lahore Airport. 


Basic sensors for such a facility have been integrated at the facility in 2b above. Advocacy is on going for service through TKN - TIME & KNOWLEDGE NAZRANA - by professionals and implementation through JIs.


Invitation to Attend the Dubai Leadership Summit & Nomination to Receive Honorary Doctorate Degree London Graduate School Wed, Feb 2, 10:31 AM (1 day ago) Dear Brig. Invitation to Attend the Dubai Leadership Summit & Nomination to Receive Honorary Doctorate Degree – March 29-31, 2022 The London Graduate School and Commonwealth University of Business Arts and Technology are excited about the upcoming Dubai Leadership Summit scheduled to take place from March 29 – 31, 2022. We organise a wide range of events that bring together top executives, business leaders and other professionals across the globe to share knowledge, support learning and to provide networking opportunities.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Summary of My Advocacy for our Region

  1.  ADVOCACY - FOR HUNZA  For the communities through SELF-HELP:
         A.    ROAD-MAP:    This post proposes a ROAD-MAP with the aim of goading the populations in the region to start a journey which can result in  a desirable situation for the present and coming generation.

        B.    DISTANT EDUCATION AND SKILLS:    KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY INITIATIVE - In the digital age world class education as well as skills are universally accessible as such depending on BRICK and MORTAR facilities of questionable standards will fail to prepare competitive HR for a global world. There is definite need for reorientation towards methods and facilities made accessible by technology. 2020 is going to be a year of high speed change in emerging technology. Advocacy on Teaching, Learning and Networking through the State of Art Learning Centers in GB. UNESCO REPORT

        C.    Home Tutoring: Free of cost world-class education and skills at door-steps (ECD to PHD)

        D.    Hunza Culture: BHT Entrusted to the promotion and preservation of cultural and historical heritage of this part of world. 

        E.    Floating Hydroelectric Generator & Pumping Station: Indigenous designed generator which produces cheap and sustainable energy directly from slow moving water in man-made water channels, natural rivulets, rivers and canals throughout Pakistan (anywhere in the world).

It produces cheap electricity for the region and beyond through technology implementable at village level, at the same time meant for pumping water to irrigate barren land all over GB thus creating a potential for poverty alleviation and thousands of jobs in coming decades. Concrete Proposal towards Hunza Power Supply Company

        F.    ON-LINE DISSEMINATION OF TALIMAT: Comprehensive set of books covering Ismaili Faith and Practice, The programme of education that examines Islam as both faith and civilisation in world history and in contemporary times.
        G.    Mandates and Coordination of social organizations namely TMS, BHT, BRSO, KWA with Jamati Institutiions and adoption of civil society learning Material as basis of operating procedures.

        H.    LIFELONG LEARNING & USE OF STATE OF ART FACILITIES established by the Government, AKDN and Chinese.
        I.    POLITICAL ACTION:    I have been advocating "political action" through civil society in preference to the divisive system of political parties. It is apparent that this theme is not accepted by vast majorities and questions have been posed as to how progress for the society is possible by deviating from this commonly adopted course. If you go through the happiness index for the countries, you will find Switzerland in the lead. I have posted this article as a good example of "direct democracy" results over the divisive and nonperforming "INDIRECT DEMOCRACY" system that we have inherited.

Switzerland is a direct democracy, where the people can influence the activities of government through initiatives and referendums. The political process is played out at three levels, federal, cantonal and communal.
e Imam has set four goals and how to achieve these.I have developed the "idea demonstration projects" and my ideas on how to implement for wider impact. Now all those interested on this topic can visit the site of these projects see them clarify any question, share better ideas and implement the way they deem more appropriate.
I hope the idea demonstration projects convey gist of following important messages to the populations in our region:
2.    With Decision Makers in our Country:
        B.    LEGISLATION ON:    Vital step towards Preservation of Economical Interests of GB.
            (1)    DISTRICT & VILLAGE GOVERNMENTS. Putting local communities at the centre of their own development means that interventions will be directly relevant to their needs, and contribute to long-term sustainability. They must be given the ways and the means to take responsibility for its own future.Self Reliance is a big part of the ethics THAT OUR FAITH ADVOCATES.
            (2)    CUSTOMARY LAWS
            (3)    NATURAL RESOURCES.
            (4)    REPEAL OF GOP ORDER 2018
        C.   Education and skills – Date 30th October 2018, Code: Gb301018-0141513,
        D.    Revolution in Teaching, Learning and Networking– Date 01 January 2019, Code: PU010119-0864448,
        E.    Constitutional Status of GB –Date 05 January 2019, Code: IS050119-0923605
        F.    Free High Speed Internet in Hunza: 14 January 2019, Code: IS140119-1054135; 
        G.      Difficulty in initiating a complaint from GB - District & Tehsil names missing: CODE: ISO30219-1316735 03 Dated February 2019 - STATUS: Resolved.
        H.    Floating Hydroelectric Generator and Pumping Station: ISO80319-1773215, Lodged on 08 March 2019: initiated on 3rd February 2019 from system to prime minister of Pakistan

        I.    DSL Internet in Hunza - GB240219-1635451: Feb 25, 2019: PTA-WEB-70125-2019 and  PTA-WEB-70122-2019, 16 Oct 2019:
        J.    Bureaucracy bent on making this modern tool for accountability ineffective CODE - PU140519-2691142, Dated May 14 2019,  reopened by the Prime Ministers office.

        K.    Withdraw the GOP Order 2018 and allow the legislative assembly to formulate laws: CODE: GB-140519-2692109 Dated 14th May 2019; STATUS: Initiated.
        L.    Complaints on citizen portal CODE: ISO-10519-2505144 Dated 01 May 2019; Complaint on Citizen Portal and meant for the PM gets referred to non-concerned Chief Secretaries  
STATUS: Assigned to PM Pakistan.
        M.    Implementation of Law on Tax in GB, must follow the constitutional integration of citizens: CODE: GB290619-3382557; June 29, 2019:
        N.    KP290220-6998374, Complaint has been assigned to IG PoliceKP.
Mar5 2020: 
        O.    CODE GB 160820-87139473, dated 16th August 2020; Promotion of Tourism and Gun free Status - Initiated,
        P.    CODE: GB281120-87634216 Dated Nov 28, 2020; Proposal for PRIORITY LEGISLATION; GB Assembly to attempt Legislation on DISTRICT & VILLAGE GOVERNMENTS and CUSTOMARY LAWS to protect NATURAL RESOURCES from exploitation of sharks from outside the region. Repeal of GOP order 2018 which has paved the way for this exploitation. Initiated by SYSTEM and referred to Chief Seretary Gilgit Baltistan.
        Q.    CPEC Authority and Representation of GB. COMPLAINT DETAILS:

CPEC is expected to be a game changer in economical uplift of populations - specially the poor regions. Since 1982 AKDN has introduced efforts through CIVIL SOCIETY to achieve three goals for the povert stricken populations through SELF HELP - STRATEGY: Organize populations in terms of VOs/WOs as well as 72 LSOs that will direct their efforts preferably as a NETWORK throughout GB.

In this scenario it is but natural that collective representation in the CPEC AUTHORITY should be ensured through this collective body rather than any other option. 

Suggestion code:  SIS311220-7124533

Dated 31St Dec, 2020, Registered, Initiated and assigned to Joint Secretary - China.

January 28, 2021: Remarks of PMDU: Dear citizen thanks for choosing Pakistan Citizen Portal

to raise your concern. Your complaint has been forwarded to concerned authorities/departments

for timely resolution/action as per facts/merits 

thanks and regards.

Mar 1, 2021: FROM Project Director (CPEC) : Closed - Partial relief granted.

Oct 13, 2021: From Prime Minister of Pakistan to Project Director (CPEC)


Dear Officer,

the instant complaint was resolved by your office on 01/03/2021 13:21 with status of 'Partial

Relief Granted'.

Since a considerable time has lapsed and this office hopes that full relief would either have been

granted or near to be granted. It therefore warrants to reopen the complaint irrespective

of the citizen's feedback and to ask you to update this office as well as the citizen with recent

development regarding the complaint. In order to determine the actual status of relief, a fair

review is needed at your level so as to ensure merit with factual disposal of the case.In case,

final relief falls in the domain of any other department then forward the same for the requisit

action while mentioning the needful done at your level.

Monday, January 25, 2021




NOTE: I hope to continue updates in the coming weeks so that readers can download the text of the complete set of costly publications as a free-of-cost option. Furthermore, ITREB has arranged the availability of two volumes on one topic only while the remaining set is not yet available despite a long waiting time and emphasis given by the Imam of the time.

“That intellect is what separates Man from the rest of the physical world in which he lives. As we develop not only our primary education but also our secondary education, I hope that my Jamat will find great happiness in reading the new books that we will make available on the history of thought, the history of faith within Shia Islam.  This notion of the capacity of the human intellect to understand, and to admire the creation of Allah will bring you happiness in your everyday lives. Of that I am certain." 

 MHI, 17 August 2007 

"Since 1957, it has been my objective to retrieve from our history and strengthen, by present day endeavours, the magnificent Shia Imami Ismaili identity and its inter-relationships with other Muslim schools of interpretation, thought, and practice of the faith. I feel that, at this juncture in the Jamat’s history, when different traditions are beginning to converge, it is particularly important to bring forward those aspects of faith and practice, including diverse forms of devotional expression, that are rooted in the Shia Ismaili Tariqah of Islam as interpreted by the Imam-of-the-Time. "

MHI - 13 December 2008 

The Secondary Level Curriculum developed by the Institute of Ismaili Studies is an international, multilingual programme in religious education and the humanities for the global Ismaili community. It introduces Ismaili youth to a modular programme of education that examines Islam as both faith and civilisation in world history and in contemporary times. The curriculum approaches the study of Islam in general, and the Shia Ismaili tradition specifically, from humanistic, civilisational and normative perspectives. Students are guided to explore aspects of Islam that relate to religion, ethics, thought and culture in Muslim societies and the Ismaili Tariqah within a broad educational framework. The modules in the curriculum are based on a study of selected facets of Muslim societies, in the past and present, including their interactions with other civilisations and cultures. The content is interwoven with thematic strands which reflect a wide range of human endeavours and pursuits that have found expression in Muslim societies and Ismaili contexts. Among the subjects covered are civilisation and society, encounters in Muslim history, Muslims in the contemporary world, intellectual traditions, ethics and development, faith and practice, the Qur’an and its interpretations, and the literature of Muslim traditions. In dealing with these subjects, the curriculum aims to address themes that are of relevance to the youth and their communities in different regions of the world.

To achieve its aims, the curriculum applies pedagogical approaches consonant with its philosophical framework. It calls for a profile of teachers with a broad set of proficiencies – a profile that is not narrowly specialist but reflects an acquaintance with a range of subjects and contexts. For this purpose, the secondary curriculum is taught by professionally qualified teachers who have been specially trained to guide students in studying Islam and the Ismaili tradition at the secondary level. These teachers are graduates of the Secondary Teacher Education Programme (STEP) who receive two postgraduate awards (Level 7) in the subjects of Islamic Studies and Education. The curriculum for the secondary level is intended for the 12-16 age group, and can also be extended to 17-18 year old students. It consists of eight modules, presented through student textbooks and teachers’ guides. The materials endeavour to impart the content through pedagogical approaches that are creative and intellectually engaging for both students and teachers.

 This module introduces the rise and development of Islam, from the period of Prophet Muhammad in the sixth and seventh centuries to the rule of the Fatimid Imam-Caliphs from the tenth to the twelfth century. Students are introduced to people, places and events of significance that came to shape the first six centuries of Islam, beginning with its genesis in Mecca and the establishment of the early caliphate in Medina, and tracing the growth of dynastic empires in Damascus, Baghdad, Cordoba and Cairo. Using the city as a space of dynamic creativity, the content presents the flowering of Muslim civilisations in all their manifold aspects. The development of Shia traditions, and the emergence of the Ismailis in this phase of history, features as an integral part of the broader Muslim narrative.

Encounters in Muslim history:

This module forms a sequel to Muslim Societies and Civilisations which covers developments from the sixth to the twelfth century. It picks up the various narratives at the beginning of the eleventh century and presents encounters and exchanges among Muslims and with other societies until the beginning of the modern period at the end of the eighteenth century. It highlights key events and figures, linking them to major challenges and achievements of each age. Analyses of the interplay of forces and influences in various regions reveals unfolding dynamics in the political, economic, social, intellectual and cultural arenas. Significant aspects of the history, thought and culture of diverse Ismaili communities during this period are interwoven into these narratives of exchanges, detailing their interactions within these systems.

Continues with the content covered in Muslim societies and civilizations. In this module we study, developments which occurred in Muslim and neighboring lands from eleventh to the eighteenth century.

We begin by the events leading up to the eleventh century, and then move on to examine significant development that followed.

The module explores the rise of new states in empires resulting from conquests, migration and settlements in Muslim lands in this period.

The history of the Ismaili Imamat that of Ismaili communities in various regions, forms an important part of this module. We will learn about the Ismailis in the Alamut period and in the centuries that followed.

A later module, entitled Muslims in the contemporary World, concludes the coverage of Muslim history in the secondary curriculum. It introduces key events and developments relating to Muslims societies from the eighteenth to the early twenty-first century.

Encounters in Muslim history thus forms a bridge between the early and modern periods of Muslim history. It highlights the diverse civilizations, cultures and traditions which arose in Muslim contexts in this intermediate period.

 Key Questions

The module explore broad questions such as:

  • How have Muslims of different times and places understood Islam ?
  • How has their understanding led to the Islam becoming adapted and expressed across different cultures?
  • What has led to the rise of a vast diversity of Muslim communities and traditions over time?


We will approach these questions and examining Muslim context from political, economic and cultural perspectives.


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This module is based on the subject of devotional and ethical literature in Muslim societies. Through an examination of a range of texts across changing periods and contexts, from the formative age of Islam to contemporary times, students are led to explore the diversity and richness of literature that has developed in Muslim societies over time. Examples from a wide variety of literary forms and genres are used as illustrations to reveal the creative application of language in Muslim writings, including Ismaili contributions, in diverse contexts and cultures.

The anthological content in this volume highlights selections from the Qur’an and the hadith, passages from works attributed to the early Shia Imams, and excerpts from the writings and speeches of the contemporary Imams. Also presented here are exemplary pieces of literature from religious texts, historical biographies, moral fables, mystical poetry and devotional hymns. Drawing from diverse Muslim sources, and particularly Shia and Ismaili literature, the contents as a whole yield insight into the creative ways in which religious, devotional, spiritual and ethical themes have found inspiring expressions in Islam.

This module engages with the dimensions of religious meaning and practical expressions in a community of faith. These aspects are approached from a variety of perspectives by exploring the significance of faith, worship, devotion, ethics, religious practices, prayer, and spaces of worship and gathering in Muslim communities. Students are guided to reflect on these themes in the context of the Shia Ismaili Tariqah, and with reference to other Islamic traditions. The module seeks, as a whole, to develop insights into the role of faith and religious practice in a faith community, and in relation to the individual believer’s search for ultimate meaning.

Volume One of Faith and Practice in Islamic Traditions examines concepts of faith as expressed in a range of sources, from the Qur’an to the religious literature of Islamic traditions. A central part of this volume is devoted to understandings of tawhid and nubuwwa in Islam, and the significance of the principle of imama for Shia Muslims. The first volume also includes a study of selected facets of faith, including ibadat, divine love, and the concepts of zahir and batin in esoteric traditions of Islam.

Volume Two extends the study by focusing on the practice of the faith in Islamic traditions. Among the topics covered are the origins and development of selected rites and practices in Muslim history, the diverse forms they have taken in Muslim communities, and the meaning given to them in the practice of the faith. Also discussed in this volume are the different forms of prayer in Islam, and the diversity of spaces of worship and gathering to be found in Islamic contexts.

Ethical Pathways to Human Development:  In this module students are led to engage with the issue of social development by examining the impact of poverty, illness, illiteracy, homelessness and social injustice on communities across the world. A contextual approach is adopted to issues of development and their impact on the quality of life of people in different regions. The major part of the module is devoted to examining the institutions and projects of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) as case studies of innovative approaches to development in selected parts of the world. Particular attention is paid to the spiritual and ethical ideals which underpin the concept of development upheld by Imamat institutions. Students are led to a deeper appreciation of the long, historical tradition in the Ismaili Tariqah of Imams giving institutional realisation to the ethical call of Islam.


The module engages students in a study of selected facetsof the Quran al-Sharif, beginning with it's revelation the seventh century and leading into its diverse interpretations and expressions in Muslim history. The contents of the Quran are presented at an introductory level from historical and contextual perspectives. Among the themes and concepts examined are revelation, authority and guidance;faith, ethics and social justice; and creation, spiritual quest, and the hereafter. The module also considers various positions on Quran as a source of guidance which emerged in Islamic traditions, based on different understandings of authority. This aspect is examined in greater detail in the context of Shia Islam and the principle of Imamat. A central feature of the module is the diversity of understandings of the Qur'an which has developed over historical periods and across various cultures, from theological, juridical and mystical readings to literary and aesthetic renderings.
This first of two volumes commences with a chronological examination of selected Qur'anic passages linked to the Meccan and Medinan contexts. This introduction leads into a discussion of different views on the compilation of the Qur'an into written text, and its use as a source of guidance in relation to different notions of authority which emerged in early Muslim history. Also explored in this volume is the development of the study of the Qur'an through disciplines and methods which evolved over time, including the application of tafsir and tawil to its contents. 
The final part of the volume is devoted to the concepts of authority and guidance in the Qur'an as reflected in the accounts of the prophets, and in passages interpreted by Shia Muslims as related to the principle of Imamat.
The second volume expands the study of the Quran through an examination of additional themes and illustrative interpretations in Muslim contexts.

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TILAWAT: Listen to Surah Rahman.


In this module, we examine the political, economic, religious, social and cultural transformations that Muslim communities underwent from the 1700s through the 1800s.
For Muslims, this was a time of transition and change. We explore how, weakened by internal strife and rivalries, imperial societies changed, and how traditional notions of authority were redefined, from hierarchical centralised kingships to local regional powers that allowed various elite groups and organisations to share power.
We witness an era of shifting power dynamics among Muslim societies, and also with European imperial powers buoyed by the industrial, technological and scientific revolutions. We see transformations in trade, with the decline of some trade routes and the ascendance of others, and the increased cross-cultural encounters among diverse communities of the globe.
The borders of some states became more defined, with the spread of colonisation, while others remained fluid.

NOTE: This living document links will be updated in the coming days to cover the download/accessibility of all modules.









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